There’s still time… the full moon ritual to benefit the body, mind and soul BONUS BLOG

I never usually post an evening blog. But, as all my blogs are scheduled and shared to other social media outlets. This means I can access my own self loving ritual and equally share this with you.

Tonight is full of deep energy. Shame and guilt is rising during this time.

I know a lot of you are bringing up darker energies that are being illuminated… maybe relationship energy.

A full moon is a beautiful time to release energy, be able to process your own thought and nurture you.

There’s still time too. In fact, you have 72 hours from when the full moon sets. The full moon was on the 20th October and is in Aries. Aries being a fire sign is all about that fire, any triggers and sudden physical issues. Which signals the start of my up and coming blogs around recognising our own triggers.

Ask yourself, what am I getting triggered by? And how does it feel?

On speaking to many of clients over the years, we all seem to speak about the same thing.

  • A feeling of ungroundedness
  • Heightened emotion
  • Getting cross with people

A great full moon ritual can see you more grounded as well as propel your physical, mental and spiritual energy.

There are plenty of amazing rituals, however this is mine and I am super happy to share this with you so you can illuminate that smile that shines inside out.

For me, it is the ultimate SELF indulgence in self love. You do not have to do all of it. See which bits fit you.

Firstly, ask yourself… What is this full moon illuminating for me?

What is this full moon shining a light on. Something may be lit within you from what someone says or we may get called out on something or even we may feel we are lesser than because of our own actions. However, it isn’t necessarily what they say is the issue. Triggers are all about what is happening inside of us. A memory that has been triggered so we protect ourselves, protect ourselves from love, protect ourselves from being vulnerable, protect ourselves from trust, protect ourselves from admitting that we have failed something/someone or protect ourselves from letting go. I wrote an Instagram post on a reason why I spend time offline, to deal with my triggers, to not blame or shout but to gift myself loving kindness. This does not mean I do not react sometimes, again I have to go away and see my part in the equation. What is this moon illuminating for you? Do you need to go away and process your deeper thoughts, to open up your lighter side.

My full moon ritual

Cleanse – Clean and cleanse my spaces by burning palo santo wood, I feel is smells a lot better than white sage. I also put my crystals outside, the perishable ones are by the window after being cleansed with the smoke from the palo santo.

Journal – Take time to write out my thoughts and feelings. So cathartic

Dance/ Create- Depending on the feeling I am dealing with I dance and sing or I may do some art.

Bath – with or without a crystal (non perishable) which crystal is calling you?

Sound –

Card read – Intuitively read cards for the next few days ahead

Akashic Records – Sit in my book of life and either speak out or just sit and listen (whatever I need) from my bedside

Reiki – I gift myself self reiki in my Akashic Records

After a good night sleep… I feel refreshed and with renewed hope

It’s always a beautiful night doing this and the day after all this releasing I feel brighter and lighter.

How are you doing with this full moon?

Trina xx

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1 thought on “There’s still time… the full moon ritual to benefit the body, mind and soul BONUS BLOG

  1. Wow! Thank you! I always needed to write on my website something like that. Can I include a part of your post to my website?


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